Senegalia burkei, commonly known as Black Monkey Thorn, brings a unique, rustic charm with its feathery foliage and occasional fragrant blooms. Its slow growth and adaptability make it an excellent choice for plant enthusiasts who appreciate unique foliage and low-maintenance care.
Styled in STAKKELL Premium Terrazzo Pot (S) & Saucer.
Height: 35cm
Pot Width: 13cm
*Plants in the photo are for illustration purposes only.
Senegalia Burkei 'Black Monkey Thorn' in STAKKELL Premium Terrazzo Pot (S)
Full sunlight (At least 6 hours of strong direct sunlight daily)
Allow the top 1/2 of the soil to dry out between watering.
*Ensure water drains from the hole below the pot during watering each time. To test for dryness, insert an index finger into the soil accordingly.